divulged secret information|divulge secret information in English

evealed confidential information, disclosed secret facts, leaked secrets

Use "divulged secret information|divulge secret information" in a sentence

Below are sample sentences containing the word "divulged secret information|divulge secret information" from the English Dictionary. We can refer to these sentence patterns for sentences in case of finding sample sentences with the word "divulged secret information|divulge secret information", or refer to the context using the word "divulged secret information|divulge secret information" in the English Dictionary.

1. He swore never to divulge the secret.

2. Apparently this information was kept secret.


4. Specific rules on access to TRES SECRET UE/EU TOP SECRET information

5. Specific rules on access to ► TRES SECRET UE/EU TOP SECRET ◄ information

6. to be granted access to TRÈS SECRET UE/EU TOP SECRET information

7. (d) To be granted access to ► TRES SECRET UE/EU TOP SECRET ◄ information;

8. (d) to be granted access to TRÈS SECRET UE/EU TOP SECRET information;

9. You betrayed top-secret information last year.

10. Yet this information is largely a secret.

11. There also are secret ingredients that she will not divulge.

12. The secret police tortured him to obtain information.

13. Access to information legislation and official-secret legislation

14. Persons who obtain information by making secret observations.

15. There is no secret information dispensed at Gilead.

16. Bared: to make known (as information previously kept secret).

17. To be granted access to EU TOP SECRET information

18. Specific rules on access to EU TOP SECRET information

19. Classified information is officially stated to be secret: 2

20. Bares: to make known (as information previously kept secret).

21. Everybody has an incentive to keep her information secret.

22. The defendant herself is determined to keep this information secret.

23. The information you need to do this is not secret.

24. A Cryptographer is one who practices or studies cryptography, a field primarily involved with keeping secret information secret

25. Unlocked with Watchful 40, 10 x Appalling Secret Challenge information